Management making Home Owners next to Disney Priority One
Home Services Co-op
When Service Workers are Working and not Sitting in Traffic Everyone is Happy

Things have changed, an estimated 1,000 persons per Day moved to Florida between 2021 and late 2023 creating traffic congestions on all 4 corners of the tourist district next to Disney World. The problem? Service workers are sitting in traffic between homes at home owners expense.
Time is money & service workers sitting in traffic is time lost.
Gas prices are soaring
Service workers are getting paid more
Even with higher pay it's hard to get and keep good help
The tourist district had 14 new traffic lights installed since 2020 & the average light changes every 2-3 minutes.
Property management is a thankless job.
There are over 200 property management companies next to Disney World who have house cleaners, pool people and handymen Crisscrossing each other from one side of the tourist district to the other side, sometimes in transit to simply change a light bulb on a high ceiling or exchange old batteries for new in the TV remote control. Property Management is a hard job on its own, now traffic is a new problem. Are owners being charged for a couple hours of work for a 10-15 minute job because of traffic?
Solution for 2nd home owners
If your property management is only servicing 1 or 2 homes in your community or direct area then they are not what we consider the experts of your community or that area. Keep your costs down and choose the expert property management in your community or area, get the 5 star reviews you want and stop paying for travel time.
2nd home owners, it's okay, you didn't know.
First time 2nd home owners and investors near Disney World are not usually from Florida so picking and choosing of any Florida service is like flipping a coin unless certain service providers were referred to you by an already experienced 2nd home owner. Your current property manager probably does an excellent job but if he or she or their service workers have to travel from one side of the tourist district to the other side to satisfy your guests needs you're paying for it one way or another.
Solution for property managers
Either consolidate the area your homes are in by sacrificing a few homes on the other side of town or exchange certain services with our co-op of property managers who face the same problems you are facing regarding time sitting in traffic. Stop working your life away, enjoy it, build your business by working smarter not harder.
Property Managers, be that Community Expert!
Imagine having 20 or more homes in 1 community, always having a team member close by putting out small fires when needed while they are working on another home just couple streets over instead of across town. You've cut costs, maybe reducing staff, vehicles and the insurance you carry on them because sitting in traffic isn't an issue any longer. Guests needs are met in minutes not hours and your home owners are getting the 5 star reviews they need to pay you and their bills. Embrace change for the better.