Windsor Hills Resort home sellers top 3 mistakes

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Surprisingly enough the top mistake a Windsor Hills Resort homeowner near Disney World makes when choosing the best Realtor for the job is believing the internet especially Zillow and To be the top agent on those 2 websites the agents have to pay to be the Zillow expert even though they never laid a toe in the area they get handed. A Zillow and Trulia Real Estate area expert is the biggest lie in Real Estate and home sellers lost huge amounts of money because of lack or area knowledge. The 2nd big mistake is listing their 2nd home with their property management company, just because they have a real estate license ask yourself what is their expertise? How motivated will they be to sell your home when you pay them monthly for their property management services, we’re not talking hundreds of dollars lost if they don’t market your home correctly, we’re talking thousands of dollars lost. The 3rd big mistake is not having an agent who lives in the area where the house is listed. Think about it, how many people on vacation who are looking for an investment call from a sign or wanting to see your home before they fly back home? Their time in Orlando is limited so if an agent has to drive from across town or from Tampa to open your home up to see how often you think will say maybe the next time they are in town. People are fickle, if they fly back home without seeing yours you’ve definitely lost opportunity of the sale with those kinds of people which is a very high % of future homeowners. Jane & Alan LaFrance are the true Disney World area Real Estate Experts, they are not involved with a property management company and they live in Formosa Gardens Estates less than 4 miles from Disney and 1 mile from Windsor Hills Resort.

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