Helping 2nd Home Owners Sleep Better When Away
Home Watch Service Next to Disney World
A simple service for a simple price
Home Watch Service Near Disney World for 2nd Home Owners

What We Do?
You will sleep better when away not worrying about your home near Disney World. We promise!
We walk your home every 5-9 days to make sure everything is fine.
Every visit we will take a random picture to show you we stopped.
Email you the picture with a short note letting you know everything was ok.
If we see a problem we will take a picture of it, if it's major we will call you right away.
We have the best contractors in the area hands down for you with direct pricing.
Practical Home Watch Service
for a Practical Price
Home Watch Service near Disney World for 2nd Home Owners
We've been selling vacation 2nd homes since 2004 and we were constantly asked if we knew of anyone who could check on their house when away? We knew that a # of property management companies doing it but found they charged 3 times what it was worth for a simple service so we started service in 2009.
Better than cameras or alarms
Sure you could hire ADT or have 100 cameras installed. Pros are not intimidated by cameras, what is better, preventing a break in or watching it happen? Pros move fast, ADT's alarm to police may be fast but how fast will the police respond? No matter where you are traveling from or to it's hectic so even when you are sure you shut down everything and secured your home you always have a doubt. Our service eliminates doubt, maybe you left food on the kitchen counter, milk in the fridge, didn't unlock the pool door for the pool guy, left the thermostat too low or too high or a # of things. Travel is hectic, we're human, just drop us a simple text or email when you get back home and we'll take care of it.
Our method of home protection is a preventative, it works to protect your home from wrong doers by making it look active, curing common home aging elements early before they get costly while being your eyes at the house after mother nature had a hissy fit.
We Guarantee it
Our service is a simple service but we guarantee it will save you more than 2 times our annual fee the 1st year simply by spotting a problem early before it gets costly. Our fee is $60 a month or $720 a year, how much will it cost you to repair a pipe or appliance that has been leaking for weeks or months? That's just 1 example, we could go on and on of small things that could go wrong and cost you nothing for us to turn it off, turn it on, shut it, open it, plug it, spray it, empty the mail box, bring the package in, re-boot your modem, ask your neighbor not to park their car in your drive, advise on a problem we did see, recommend a good service provider to fix the issue and make your home look active not vacant.
When water isn’t in your plumbing traps odor from your sewer may seep in to your house, we keep water in your traps while you are away!
Our Home Watch Service Plans & Pricing
Choose the #1 home watch service near Disney World!
*Why is our price so low? It’s a simple walk through service, the only area we service is South of Disney World in West Kissimmee and Davenport where there are thousands of 2nd homes. We have not raised our prices once since we started the service in 2009 because we are efficient and work in a condensed area. If you own a 2nd home in our service area we would love to have you, if your home isn’t in our service area sorry.
Trusted by Hundreds of Home Owners
What our clients say about us
5/5 on Google
We would just like to say how wonderful Alan is and great service Alan and Jane provide, they made the whole buying experience so painless we highly recommend them.

Heather and Stuart Jenkins
Enjoy your home for many years to come but when it’s time to sell it –